While you may love the Celtics, the Fighting Irish, Green Lantern, or any other green colored team, hero, or product, that is not what we are excited about right now. We are excited that a study has finally provided evidence for a fun little trick that can provide comfort and relief to headache suffers – green light! A recent study at the University of Arizona has found that green light therapy resulted in about a 60% reduction in the pain intensity of the headache phase and number of days per month people experienced migraine headaches (this just may be why you see green hues in our logo color). According to the study:

Overall, green light exposure reduced the number of headache days per month by an average of about 60%. A majority of study participants — 86% of episodic migraine patients and 63% of chronic migraine patients — reported a more than 50% reduction in headache days per month. Episodic migraine is characterized by up to 14 headache days per month, while chronic migraine is 15 or more headache days per month.

This is good news for headache sufferers as a non-pharmaceutical method to provide some relief and comfort. So, give it a try. With a color changing LED light bulb you can get green light quite simply, and see if it helps you Get Back To Life too. Please let us know how it is working when you come in for your next appointment!

For more information on this study, please click here.